Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pray Without Ceasing for Sister Mary Hatter

Dear Sisters & Brothers in Christ:

Our beloved Mary Hatter and her family need our prayers in a mighty way. Sis. Mishca has just sent an e-mail that she is on a respirator and that she is not doing well.

Paul tells us to pray for one another and to pray without ceasing. As you go about your day today, when you take a moment to sip some water or a cup of coffee, lift up Mary Hatter. As you stand in line waiting to handle business, lift up Mary Hatter. As you prepare to pick up the phone to make a call, lift up Mary Hatter.

Instead of spending 30 minutes watching a television show, take that time and pray for Mary Hatter and the Hatter family. Call others and ask them to pray with you.

We know the prayers of the righteous availeth much. Pray in the Spirit....whatever your Spirit leads you to pray for Mary, Pastor Hatter, her children and grandchildren -- but pray without ceasing today for Sis. Hatter.Diana, Mischa and Karen -- please post on your blogs.Area Chairpersons, please spread the word.Ms. Dee -- when you have a moment, please send out through your database.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Michigan Conference Branch WMS Officers 2008-2009

Jacqueline Robinson
313.255.1315 (home) 313.671.6620 (cell)
St. Matthew AMEC
Central Detroit Area
1st VP
Joyce Garrison
810.787.9376 (home)
Vernon Chapel AMEC
Flint Area
2nd VP
Joyce Johnson
734.459.0218 (home)
Bethel AMEC
Central Detroit Area
3rd VP
Tywanna Johnson
313.835.3664 (home)
Oak Grove AMEC
Central Detroit Area

YPD Director
Rosita Brockington
313.341.3430 (home)
St. Stephen AMEC
Central Detroit Area
YPD President
Michael Cousin, Jr.
734-676-6713 (home)
St. Stephen AMEC
Central Detroit Area
Niles Area Chairperson
Carolyn A. Graves
Union Memorial AMEC
Flint Area Chairperson
Karen Davis
Quinn Chapel AMEC
Ann Arbor Chairperson
Bonita Cowan-Tucker
Bethel AMEC
Central Detroit Area Chairperson
Carol Griffin
Ebenezer AMEC
Battle Creek Area Chairperson
Worship Director
Carla Hines
Philip Chapel, Muskegon
Battle Creek Area
Recording Secretary
Darlene Jackson
Ebenezer AMEC
Central Detroit Area
Corresponding Secretary
Delores Clements
Smith Chapel, Inkster
Ann Arbor Area
Orletta Caldwell
St. Stephen AMEC
Central Detroit Area
PME Director
Nikki Skipper
Trinty AMEC, Lansing
Battle Creek Area

Audrea Hudson
Parks Memorial AMEC
Ann Arbor Area
Web Master
Diana Psalms
Quinn Chapel AMEC, Flint
Flint Area
Flint Area Member-At-Large
Geraldine Peterson
Betel AMEC, Saginaw
Ann Arbor Member-At-Large
Niles Member-At-Large
Georgia Boggs
Franklin AMEC
Battle Creek Member-At-Large
Mishca R. Smith
Mount Zion AMEC
Central Detroit Member-At-Large
Sharon Brumfield
Oak Grove AMEC
September 30, 2008

Dear Pastors, WMS and Michigan Conference Officers,

Greetings is the Mighty and Magnificent name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. It is with the Joy and the abundant Love of Jesus that we, the Women’s Missionary Society and Young People’s Division of the AME Church, send this communication of introduction.

On August 19, 2008, the Elections for the Michigan Conference WMS were held. Rev. Dr. Cecelia Williams Bryant, Supervisor of the 4th Episcopal District, presided. Several new officers were elected on that day. The new President is Jacqueline Mitchell Robinson, a long-time member of St. Matthew AME Church in Detroit where Rev. Gloria J. Clark is Pastor. Jackie has served in the WMS and YPD on the District, Conference, Area and local levels of the WMS and YPD. We thank Almighty God for the return of Rosita Brockington as YPD Director. As many of you know, she is a long-time member of St. Stephen AME in Detroit, where Rev. Michael Cousin is Pastor.

It is with joy that we introduce the new 1st Vice President, Joyce Keys Garrison, First Lady of Vernon Chapel AME in Flint. We are blessed to have Joyce Johnson, First Lady of Bethel AME in Detroit, return as 2nd Vice President. And the 3rd Vice President -- also new -- is Tywanna Johnson, who serves faithfully at Oak Grove AME in Detroit.

The Area Chairpersons appointed for the 2008-09 Conference Year are:
Carolyn Graves (Union Memorial AME) returning as Niles Area Chairperson, Karen Davis (Quinn Chapel AME)returning as Flint Area Chairperson, newly appointed Bonita Cowan-Tucker (Bethel AME), Ann Arbor Area Chairperson; and newly appointed Carol Griffin (Ebenezer AME), Central Detroit Area. The Battle Creek Area Chairperson will be in place on or before Oct. 1.

Our Area Chairpersons are excited and on fire for God! We invite you to check out the Flint Area Blog at http://flintwms.blogspot.com and Battle Creek Area Blog at http://battlecreekwms.blogspot.com, where you can receive current information on District, Conference and Area news.

For the first time ever, the Michigan Conference has an elected Web Master, Diana Psalms, who is a member of Quinn Chapel in Flint. She is overseeing a team that includes Shaunese Cable (Greater Quinn AME in Detroit); they will post the Michigan Conference WMS Blog next week and produce a Website shortly thereafter.

We are excited to serve as the Michigan Conference Branch WMS officers for 2008-09. We ask for your prayers as we seek to serve Almighty God, and to serve Him, and only Him, in a More Excellent Way! We know that God can do all things and that if we submit to His will and His power, we can do all things through Christ Jesus, who strengthens us.

A more complete and detailed Roster will be sent to you shortly but we have included contact information for the officers.

To God Be the Glory for the things He has done and for the great things He will do!

In His Service,

Jackie Robinson
President, Michigan Conference Branch WMS