To My Sisters In Christ,
I greet you with the grace and presence of God our Father. This letter serves as an introduction and encouragement for you to participate with us as we prepare for our upcoming Prayer Convocation in Toronto, Canada.
As you may be aware, Rev. Dr. Cecelia Williams Bryant, Episcopal Supervisor, 4th Episcopal District, has championed many outreaches to enrich the spiritual health of women. In one of her first outreach since moving to the 4th Episcopal District, she is uniting with women around the world as we seek to create “From Many Nations, One Sisterhood.” Please join me and other women by first praying one of the “7 Prayer Initiatives of the International Women’s Prayer (see attached). After reading the Prayers, please select one to pray daily. Call or e-mail me with your selection.
It is our goal to have 10,000 or more women praying daily. Isn’t God awesome!! I invite you to select one prayer to pray daily and I also encourage you to help us reach our goal of 10,000 women by sharing this correspondence with other women.
In addition, I invite you to join us from September 17-20 in Canada. If you are interested, please go to the website listed in the attached information and register. Once you have registered, please let me know so that I can follow-up with you to ensure that we are on one accord.
I know the Lord has some awesome work ahead for us to do if we will only be obedient to his word. As Missionaries we all need to promote the importance of a good and active prayer life. We need to move our sisters beyond praying for God to do things for us toward praying for direction for where God wants to lead us. We need to move beyond praying a prayer of CRISIS to prayer becoming a life-style. I would like to thank you all for the work you do and I look forward to what the Lord has in store for us in Toronto.
In His Service,
Mishca R. Smith
7 Prayer Initiatives of the International Women’s Prayer Convocation
In Gratitude to God and
With unwavering faith in the Redeeming Love of Jesus Christ,
Women around the world seek the Power of the Holy Spirit
As together we pray to the Lord –
I. That each of us will awaken to our Divine Purpose
That communion with God will be our daily vocation
That Grace, truth and compassion will direct our paths and
That God will be glorified in the sharing of the Gospel.
II. May God be merciful to hear our prayers for the healing of the earth. May our hearts be united in repentance for the excesses of humanity that diminish biodiversity, create pollution, toxic waste, deforestation and a shortage of potable water.
III. May God hear our Lamentations for the violence perpetrated against women and children – international, civic, cultural and domestic. Let us pray to the Lord for reconciliation and peace with justice between warring parties and an end to all forms of torture: emotional, spiritual and physical.
IV. May God show us the way to a New World Economic Order in which persons will have meaningful work and just compensation; where governments transform policies and practices that perpetrate unemployment, homelessness, illiteracy and poverty.
V. By solemn, consecrated fasting and prayer, let us travail before the Lord for miraculous healing's in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. May the Spirit of the Lord raise up an army of health care professionals and intercessors to the sick worldwide.
VI. Daily let us seek the Lord to bless and restore family life. May our marriages flow in Kingdom Glory. May our parenting be endued with wisdom, compassion and holiness. May our children thrive. And may our elders be honored, encouraged and protected with each passing day.
VII. May God grant to each woman a “Sistah” Sabbath for her appointed time of rest, refreshing and Grace in the Presence of the Lord.
Our prayers will be accompanied by contributions donated to:
Country Agency Focus
Canada Touch Stone Center pregnant and homeless teens
Haiti La Santé Des Femmes healthcare for women
Kingdom of Lesotho Tsepong Children’s Home HIV-AIDS orphans
Sudan My Sister’s Keeper displaced women & children
India Women’s Cooperative economic development initiative
International Services and ecological healing
Development Agency
U.S.A. Mother Beverly Thomas introduction to the Arts for
Fine Arts Institute Urban Youth
Unite with Christian Women around the world as we seek to create
“From Many Nations, One Sisterhood.”
September 17-20, 2009
Toronto, Canada
To Register:
Rev. Theresa Dear, Sis. Constance Rose
Attorney Pamela Osborne, Sis. Esata Masters-Beale,
President Joyce Keys Garrison
Rev. Dr. Cecelia Williams Bryant, Spiritual Director
In Gratitude to God and
With unwavering faith in the Redeeming Love of Jesus Christ,
Women around the world seek the Power of the Holy Spirit
As together we pray to the Lord –
I. That each of us will awaken to our Divine Purpose
That communion with God will be our daily vocation
That Grace, truth and compassion will direct our paths and
That God will be glorified in the sharing of the Gospel.
II. May God be merciful to hear our prayers for the healing of the earth. May our hearts be united in repentance for the excesses of humanity that diminish biodiversity, create pollution, toxic waste, deforestation and a shortage of potable water.
III. May God hear our Lamentations for the violence perpetrated against women and children – international, civic, cultural and domestic. Let us pray to the Lord for reconciliation and peace with justice between warring parties and an end to all forms of torture: emotional, spiritual and physical.
IV. May God show us the way to a New World Economic Order in which persons will have meaningful work and just compensation; where governments transform policies and practices that perpetrate unemployment, homelessness, illiteracy and poverty.
V. By solemn, consecrated fasting and prayer, let us travail before the Lord for miraculous healing's in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. May the Spirit of the Lord raise up an army of health care professionals and intercessors to the sick worldwide.
VI. Daily let us seek the Lord to bless and restore family life. May our marriages flow in Kingdom Glory. May our parenting be endued with wisdom, compassion and holiness. May our children thrive. And may our elders be honored, encouraged and protected with each passing day.
VII. May God grant to each woman a “Sistah” Sabbath for her appointed time of rest, refreshing and Grace in the Presence of the Lord.
Our prayers will be accompanied by contributions donated to:
Country Agency Focus
Canada Touch Stone Center pregnant and homeless teens
Haiti La Santé Des Femmes healthcare for women
Kingdom of Lesotho Tsepong Children’s Home HIV-AIDS orphans
Sudan My Sister’s Keeper displaced women & children
India Women’s Cooperative economic development initiative
International Services and ecological healing
Development Agency
U.S.A. Mother Beverly Thomas introduction to the Arts for
Fine Arts Institute Urban Youth
Unite with Christian Women around the world as we seek to create
“From Many Nations, One Sisterhood.”
September 17-20, 2009
Toronto, Canada
To Register:
Rev. Theresa Dear, Sis. Constance Rose
Attorney Pamela Osborne, Sis. Esata Masters-Beale,
President Joyce Keys Garrison
Rev. Dr. Cecelia Williams Bryant, Spiritual Director
It is important that you return this information to me before the end of March.
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
City____________________________________ State:_____________________ Zip Code____________
Telephone___________________________________ E-mail:__________________________________
Prayer # Selected to pray daily:__________________________________________________________
I am interested in traveling to Toronto in September: Yes____________ No_______________
I will register via website: _________ Please e-mail me form & information for registering:___________
Great information, Mishca. What a wonderful way to help us prepare for the Prayer Convocation. Has this information (the EXPLAINATION you've outlined) been sent out to all the Conference Worship leaders. It can be used to motivate women to come and market the upcoming event.
I sent a letter and the 7 Prayer Inititatives along with an email message with further explanation to all of the conference worship directors. They were instructed by me to pass along the information to the area worship directors and have them get it to all of the local societies. They were also given a copy of an excel spreadsheet that was created to place the contact information for the people who are signing up to pray and a column to indicate what prayer they are committed to praying daily. I will send you the e-mail I sent out.
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